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Dev weekly 2024-Aug-12

Published: at 02:02 AM

播客|聊聊大模型如何思考与深度学习科学家Yann LeCun

To Get More Replies, Say Less

网络不给力,前端页面就不能展示了吗? google Workbox

Turning the Tables on AI 如果我们使用人工智能不是为了少思考,而是为了多思考呢

WebAssembly: The Next Frontier in Cloud-Native Evolution

AICon 全球人工智能开发与应用大会 2024 shanghai

Building A Generative AI Platform

Radar Trends to Watch: August 2024

‘You are a helpful mail assistant,’ and other Apple Intelligence instructions


How Google handles JavaScript throughout the indexing process

How Astro’s server islands deliver progressive rendering for your sites


Architecture Through Different Lenses

Canva Opts for Amazon KDS over SNS+SQS to Save 85% with 25 Billion Events per Day