Angular SEO: 9 Tips and 5 Tools for Your Angular Website This is very good article, we could refer to following parts:
- use Angular Server Side Rendering (SSR),
- set up website title and meta,
- use ngSkipHydration if needed,
- enable canonical URLs and avoid hash urls
Search engine optimization with Angular 17 notice about using Lighthouse tool and sitemap to improve SEO.
Angular Universal: a Complete Practical Guide a detailed tutorial for Angular SSR. It also answers some good questions, such as “Do all search engines index Javascript?”, “Does the Google Search Engine index well single page applications?”.
Core Web Vitals Audit: Optimization and Testing in a Nutshell
Angular SEO: 9 Most Effective Techniques to Know in 2023
SEO in Angular with Angular Universal Youtube, Martina Kraus gave a brief introduction to common best practices for SEO in Angular.
React SEO Strategies and Best Practices it is for React.js, but could be a good reference to understand SEO tech. For example Google search crawl budget
Google search Javascript SEO basics
For most sites Google primarily indexes the mobile version of the content. As such the majority of Googlebot crawl requests will be made using the mobile crawler, and a minority using the desktop crawler.
How Wix generated value for their users by integrating stats and functionality
Verifying Googlebot and other Google crawlers
SEO tools