DSL to diagramming
https://plantuml.com/ I would recommend PlantUML as top 1, normally it is used to generated sequence diagram. It seems like we could use Activity diagram to generate decisition tree type diagram.
https://mermaid.js.org/ Many AI diagramming generation tool integrated with Mermaid.js as backend to generate code and render diagram. It supports rich types of diagramming graph.
https://www.drawio.com/ used to generate C4 diagramming, but “code to diagramming” would be difficult to support in Drawio because its syntax is complex.
Chart, but not diagramming
We may leverage some chart library to render data to show as architecture diagramming.
https://echarts.apache.org ECharts from Baidu
https://github.com/antvis Ant Vision from Alibaba
https://www.visactor.io/ VisActor from ByteDance
https://d3js.org/ D3 would be a choice for real time dashboard for architecture, for example this case https://github.com/julie-ng/newtonjs-graph
https://c3js.org/ C3 make D3 easier to use.